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Monday 15 October 2007

Rikki and the war - SMC

Once upon a time there was a princess called Rikki she had fair brown hair and sea blue eyes. Now Rikki was not an ordinary princess,Rikki liked riding, sword fighting and wars. One day on her way to sword fighting lessons she came across a cloak, boots and a hat. Rikki had her sword with her. She had an idea. Rikki pretended to be a riding prince.The stuf belonged to prince leuise who was resting by the river. The next day Rikki found out that her evil cousin was coming down in an hour. then in an hours time her cousin rang the doorbell when Rikki opend the door she saw her cousin Fiona and a houge army Fiona just said we're taking over they all ran in and broke everything. Then sudently a enormuse dragon appeard. Rikki ran upstairs under her bed when she came outside Rikki had her sword she cut the dragon open , killed all the army and it was just Rikki and fiona and befor anyone touched anyone thay made up and sudently thay lifted off the ground and had powers to do anything at all. So Fiona POOFED!! home and Rikki cleaned with her powers.Just then prince Louise came looking for his things two months later thay got marryed and had children and thay all lived happily ever after. The end

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